Dr Md Monirul Islam

Dr Md Monirul Islam


JSPS-Post-Doctoral Fellow (Japan),
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (NUS, Singapore),
PhD in Engineering (Japan),
MSc in Civil Engineering (Japan),
BSc in Civil Engineering (BUET)

E-mail: mmislam@zazougroupbd.com

Professor Dr. Md. Monirul Islam is an experienced academic leader and a Civil Engineer with BSc Engineering in Civil from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and he did his Masters in Civil Engineering and PhD from Japan under the Japan Government Monbusho Scholarship in Remote Sensing and GIS on Environmental Hazard. He has completed Post-Doc fellowship under the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) in the year of 2002-2004. He did another Post-Doc fellowship from Tropical Marine Science Institute of National University of Singapore in the year of 2000-2002. He obtained different positions in academia in Bangladesh, Singapore and Japan. He led the development of curriculum activities of Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Technology (CEAT) of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh since 2004. He has a distinguished service and research career as a professional for over 30 years in the different branches of Civil Engineering and, Hazard and Disaster Management. His activities are focused on Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for oceanography, environmental hazards such as earthquake, flood, cyclone, tornado, and climate change and climate justice, etc. He has published more than 50 papers in the wide range discipline of environmental hazards and civil engineering. He is a Rajuk registered design engineer and completed different training organized by Rajuk and Bangladesh Government for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), especially or BNBC and other Building Codes. He has been teaching Reinforce Analysis and Design courses since 2004. Dr. Islam serves on editorial boards and as a reviewer of several international research journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the IUBAT Reviews, a multi-discipline journal published by International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh. He is an expert member of the Outcome-Based Education in the university and worked as Chair, Department of Civil Engineering of IUBAT and the Dean of College of Engineering and Technology of IUBAT. Dr. Islam has lectured and given invited addresses worldwide in countries including China, England, Germany, India, Japan, Norway, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and the USA.